Hriti Foundation Sheds Light on Local-Level Budget Effectiveness in Karnali Province

Hriti Foundation’s President Kamal Raj Lamsal presented a paper on Budget Credibility at a province-level workshop organized by the National Association of Rural Municipalities in Nepal (NARMIN) on November 29 in Birendranagar, Surkhet, in coordination with the European Union Support to federalism (EUSIF).

President Lamsal delved into the findings of recent research conducted by the Hriti Foundation, shedding light on local governments’ budget credibility in four local governments in Karnali. The event attracted a diverse audience, including representatives from the academic sector, civil society, journalists, local government officials, and political figures such as Chief Minister Rajkumar Sharma, Minister of Economic Affairs Bed Raj Singh, Minister of Physical Infrastructure and Urban Development Mangal Bahadur Shahi, and Provincial Planning Commission Vice-President Yogendra Shahi.

Experts on federalism Mr. Khim Lal Devkota, a member of the National Assembly, and Mr. Purushottam Nepal, former Joint Secretary of the Government of Nepal also presented papers during the workshop. The program was expected to help create a conducive environment for cooperation among all three tiers of governments particularly focusing on fiscal transfers and budget credibility.